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Geologic Interpretation and Modeling


Geomath, Inc

TEMISPACK is an integrated system that simulates quantitatively thegeological and geochemical processes leading to petroleum entrapment. Theapproach is to reconstruct the shape of a section at the variousgeological stages, and to calculate the various physical and chemicalparameters, such as pressure and temperature, source rock maturity, andpetroleum saturation. This methodology can be applied in sedimentarybasins with mild tectonic history.

Language: FORTRAN, C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Geomath, Inc
200 Westlake Park Blvd Ste 1125
Houston, TX 77079
Phone: (713) 293-8550
Fax: (713) 293-8294